Thursday, September 2, 2010

Can't Win for Losing

I came up with a great craft idea today which combined crafting, learning and role play.  We played restaurant.  Lilly made menus by cutting out pictures from the grocery store sales flyers.  She and Oliver pasted them on to construction paper and then she decided on the prices for the items and she wrote the name of the item next to the picture.  She had all her "friends" come to the restaurant and order and she told them how much things cost and what they should eat - it was GREAT! 

And then it was time to clean up.  There were bits of paper and sales flyer that had fallen, construction paper that needed to be put away and all the "friends" to be returned to her room.  Suddenly, everyone was "too tired" or "too little" to pick anything up and neither of them were "going to be my friend anymore".  Our great activity ended with two crying children, nothing really picked up and steam comming out of my ears. 

I think my modification for next time will be that we clean up the project before we start playing with it and we will start cleaning up at 11:30 am so that we can be cleaned up before they get hungry and tired for lunch and nap.  Other than that, I'm open to suggestions . . .   

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